Short term goals for this month, and why.
This one is tough. Lately I haven't been setting goals for myself, and that's not a good thing. I really need to! So here goes!
Get off my bum and get my photography kicking in gear again!
I've been taking a hiatus since I had my daughter. I've really enjoyed the time with her, but now it's time to get deep into my photography again. I've been taking pictures here and there, but nothing concrete. And I haven't been applying myself as much as I can. This month is the perfect time for this goal, because Fall is my favorite time of year. Hopefully the changing trees will be a great motivator towards this goal.
Visit family more.
London is growing up so fast, and she's only seen her extended family a couple of times. She has met my grandparents once. And I can literally count the amount of times she has spent with my Dad on one hand! :-( It's sad really. Luckily, she sees Andy's parents and my Mom a lot, so she doesn't go without family. I plan to try to visit my Dad next week while Andy and I are on vacation. We are going to try to go visit his brother sometime next week too.
Weight loss!
This is a BIG ONE. I was doing Weight Watchers for a couple of years before I got pregnant with London. I lost BIG. But then I gained some of it back, and then got pregnant, and then, and then, and then...But I need to get my hiney in gear and start the process again! I'm determined that I am going to be able to play with my daughter and not feel restricted because of my weight.
Get on it! Stop procrastinating! Get to work on time....ALWAYS. No one and two minute lates anymore! Get up on time. Start hearing the alarm clock again. I could go on and on with this one. But I won't. I just need to figure out better how to balance being a mommy with being a career woman...and I am determined to do it!!
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