Friday, June 24, 2011

Growing Up

My baby girl is one year old! Well, 13 months at the time I'm blogging. I can't believe it's been a year since that precious little baby girl came into my life. What a blessing she is. How blessed I am! I thank God for her everyday. She's has truly changed my life. I've traded bar nights for TV and milk evenings. I've traded sleeping in, for getting up early to get my day with my girl started. I've traded girl's nights out, for "girl's" nights in! I wouldn't change it for anything in the world either! London is the best part of my day, always. Whenever I am having a bad day, I just have to come home and see her smiling face and it all goes away. She melts my heart. I love her!

I am a better person because of this little person in my life. She balances everything perfectly. I have loved watching her grow from a newborn, to an infant, and now into a little toddler. I've watched her lay in my arms and coo at me. Learn to roll over. Learn to crawl. Learn to babble. Learn to pout. Learn to play her Daddy like a fiddle. ha ha He secretly loves it, as do I. ;-) I can honestly say that the past year has been the best adventure of my life. Does that mean the terrible twos are going to be exhausting? lol Bring it on!

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